Last year at E3 Expo 2010, Nintendo revealed the 3DS to the world, and shockingly, everyone in attendance went crazy over the thing. Folks who write about video games love criticizing Nintendo almost as much as they love neckbeards and jorts, but praise for the machine was pretty much universal. Yes, hype was at an all-time high... but in the year since, Nintendo seems to have been on a mission to systemically kill interest in the machine, to the point where it's now regularly being outsold by the dated DSi (and in Japan, the freaking PSP). Could Nintendo turn things around next week at E3 Expo 2011? Certainly -- but the game titan better have something big up its sleeves, because at the moment, only the "M" on Mario's hat is visible above the edge of the hole that's been dug...

When not waiting for something new to play on his 3DS, Nathan Birch also writes and draws the webcomic Zoology, and his work can be found in the book "You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News: Shocking But Utterly True Facts."